DUI (Driving Under Influence) pen State khat leh khat a ciangtan zah kibang khinlo a, tua khengval sa in mawtaw, set van thuh apai thei khat peuh peuh hawlna
zu (alcohol) ciangtan val dawn sa in mawtaw hawlna; palikte in DUI tawh hong muh laitak mawtaw sungah kum cing nailo naupang aom leh azah nih liau sum piak kul hi. Zu thalbung kihongsa in mawtaw sung om leh zong mawhpaihna khauh zaw lai hi.
Example sentences using the word.
- Example #1
- dui (Driving Under the Influence) pen DWI (Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) zong kici thei hi. Zukhamsa, zudawnsa a'keh sisan sungah zu omzah tehna BAC (Blood Alcohol Concentration) akici mi khat i sisung ah ciangtan zah (0.15% Oregon: 0.15% Pennsylvania: 0.1% Rhode Island: 0.1% and 0.15% etc.) a khengval ciang thukhun palsat in ki ciamteh hi.
- Example #2
- Driving under the influence (dui) is the crime or offense of driving or operating a motor vehicle while impaired by alcohol or other drugs (including recreational drugs and those prescribed by physicians), to a level that renders the driver incapable of operating a motor vehicle safely.